Barriers to Implementation

Green Computing

Home 1. Introduction 2. History 3. Methodologies and Benefits 5. Conclusion 6. References

As indicated in the section Methodologies and Benefits, there are many benefits to green computing. Unfortunately there are barriers that a company has to overcome in order to successfully implement green computing. First is the natural psychological resistance to change on the part of any organization. The larger the organization, the more difficult it is to justify and manage change. Green computing can justify some significant cost savings and increased profits, but there are also “soft benefits,” such as environmental awareness, that are more difficult to recognize and quantify. Cloud computing is difficult for many companies to embrace as they apparently still feel the need to “own” the infrastructure and resources, rather than “rent” them from a third-party provider (Barnhart, n.d.).

Another overwhelming barrier can be that of cost. Most companies, particularly in times of a weaker economy, find it hard to justify expenditures on information technology, which is often viewed as a cost center, rather than a business enabler. It can be very challenging to construct a cost-benefit analysis that adequately demonstrates how information technology contributes to the bottom line. Certainly a comprehensive return-on-investment analysis that shows how, for example, reduced energy or travel costs can increase the profit margin, is imperative. Internal recycling, or re-purposing of computer equipment, can also contribute to cost reductions and thus improved profit margins. Many states have enacted specific laws relating to the disposal of certain types of electronic equipment in landfills, and companies view this as a cost increase, rather than a cost reduction.

Green computing is still relatively new and it is not easy for organizations to understand and articulate their requirements. Although it is desirable to purchase computer equipment from suppliers and vendors that are ecologically mindful in their manufacturing processes, this can be challenging to accomplish as many manufacturers lack environmental awareness.